5 Clever Hacks to Help Control Wasps in Your Property

If your property are harboring wasps in your yard, you need to stay alert. Wasp infestations are not only annoying but they are scary! Wasps can be potentially dangerous if you are allergic to them, as one encounter with their stinger can send you to the hospital emergency room. These infestations pose both a safety and health hazard, which is why it is important to get them under control immediately.

While it may be tempting to just get a broom and remove the nest yourself, this project is very dangerous. Tampering with the wasp nest will agitate the wasps. As a result, it increases your chance of getting stung by hundreds of them. Moreover, you want to control the infestation without killing the wasps as they are important pollinators that hold a vital role in preserving biodiversity.

Here are five clever wasp control hacks for you to get this annoying issue dealt with without hurting both yourself and the wasps.

1. Have the proper equipment

Before undertaking the task of transporting a wasp nest, it is important that you have the right equipment, especially if you are allergic to insects and wasp venom. Wear bee-keeping suits and headgear if they are available near you. If not, a simple regalia of long sleeves and thick, long pants, and some goggles or a face shield will do.

2. Know the enemy first

There are many types of wasps. Some live in colonies, and others live in solitude. Different wasp types are also attracted to different food items. In order to effectively drive a colony away, you must first understand what wasps you are dealing with in order to come up with a proper solution. Some types of wasps are the Yellow Jacket, Hornet, Bald-faced Hornet, Paper Wasp, Red Wasp, etc. Do take note that some species are more aggressive and territorial than others, like the Paper Wasp, for example.

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3. Relocate during the dark

When relocating the wasp nest, the best time to do so is at night, while the wasps are asleep. You may use any plastic container with a lid to transport them. Just carefully place the container over the nest and slide a cardboard between the container and the surface that the nest is clinging to. Then, you can proceed to remove the nest and close the container with its lid. These container should hold all the flying insects to assure you don’t get hurt.

4. Take safety precautions

For extra precaution and to ensure your safety, have someone on standby. If you have a known allergy to wasp, it is best to leave the job for someone else. And while wasps are inhabiting your property, it is best to wear a medical bracelet stating your name, allergen, and emergency contact number. It is also advisable to have an EpiPen nearby or in your pocket so that you may administer it immediately if you are stung.

5. Call for professional help

Wasp nests are finicky so improperly removing them can result in the wasps swarming towards you. Moreover, you might accidentally kill these wasps that are essential for environmental health and balance. If you are incapable of controlling the infestation yourself, seek professional help. Contacting a local beekeeper or pest control service will allow you to get hold of professional services. They will ensure your house is wasp-free without causing environmental damage that could potentially come about by killing these wasps with DIY commercial pesticides.

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